Bad meteo in general... it's true the meteo is generally better in Sapin! Nevertheless when it's flyable you can fly longer hours here with softer thermals.
This time we are base in a stable... improvised workshop! We are working on improving joystick piloting; for the time being it is not precise enough to fly thermals with it. We are training to follow lines, roads, surveillance missions. Auto-pilot is an excellent system because no human being no matter how strong he could be, can stand more than half an hour piloting this thingy thing... and if you don't believe me just ask the french army special forces student pilots!
As a consequence we're piloting more and more with the joystick as if it were a video game... even for landing! I only get back to the brakes in case of emergency.
I must admit it is pretty scary at the beginning to let yourself be piloted by a machine! but like everything, you get used to it, it is just a matter of training. Now it is rather comfortable to let the computer drive the aircraft... I would never have believed that before!
As usual, thanks a lot for following this blog, it's a pleasure to share my adventures, moments of life with you passionate about flight.
Paco Diaz Salto
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